Old fish survival game [Animal Quest]

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Old fish survival game [Animal Quest]

Post by VirgilX »

I saw there was an old topic about a fish survival game, and it led the guy to Odell Down Under, but it wasn't the game I'm looking for.

I have fun memories of this game, that's why I would love to revisit it.

Basically, you choose your type of fish and you progress through the screen in order to reach another screen. Each screen has a grid that you can swim through, eating smaller fish or avoiding predators. Each grid works like a maze and you have to avoid the predators as they move along the grid and sneak past them. I remember choosing the killer whale so that very few predators could kill me. I just remember it's all about progression through each screen.

I do specifically remember playing the game from a floppy disk.
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Post by emmzee »

This game sounds very much like Animal Quest, except with a sea theme ...

http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/anima ... creenshots

I don't see a fish game made by AliveSoft though ... :shifty:
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Post by emmzee »

Actually I noticed that there's an ocean theme available for the game, but only in the registered version. So my guess is that you were playing the registered version of Animal Quest.

The AliveSoft website still exists, but unfortunately it seems like they don't sell the registered version anymore. You could try contacting them and see if you get a response:


The demo of Animal Quest is available on the AliveSoft site, and it's also available on DOSGames.com in the Educational/Kids category here:

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Post by Guest »

YES YES!! I remember Animal Quest now. I must have forgotten about the animals version because I think I mainly played the one for fish.

Thank you so much ^_^
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