Looking for an old adventure game [B-7]

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Looking for an old adventure game [B-7]

Post by harry66. »

I am looking for an old scifi adventure game. I recall it as being named 'B7' or 'D7', and I only had the shareware version.
The goal was to escape from a spaceship and I remember taking the following steps:

Cause a fire in your cell to get the guards to extinguish it. After that they would let the door open to let the smoke out and post a guard next to your door.
You have to wait until the guard is looking away from you and strangle him from the back. (with a electrical wire or garden hose I think)
After escaping from your cell you'll get in a hallway, with each door having some kind of electrical lock. I could open one by unscrewing it and solving some kind of puzzle.
I escaped the space ship and after that I got an advertisement for the full version of the game, taking place at a new planet.

Does anyone recognize the explanation of the game? I would really like to know which game it was!

(btw, there is an action game called 'b7' based on Blake's 7 tv series, that is not the one I'm looking for)
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Post by aposperitis »

Beneath a Steel Sky maybe?

Post by harry66 »

Nope. Thanks for the suggestion though, it would have matched my description pretty well.

The graphics in the game were a bit simpler.
I recall going through other rooms (of the guards) picking up stuff I needed to escape. (getting it from drawers and cabinets). Probably also finding some other prisoners that didn't survive...

I think it was a point and click game, you didn't need to type the commands.

Post by doboriby »

Maybe Little Big Adventure (LBA)....?

Post by harry66 »

No, but thank you for the suggestion.
The game I'm looking for is older and it has 2d graphics.
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Post by GAMER »

The description reminds me of a game I think is called Escape, but it wasn't set on a spaceship. It was just a gaol...
You did have to start a fire and then strangle your guard to get out though.
Could be it?

<img src="http://thumbs.deviantart.com/300W-96A09 ... rs_Sig.jpg">

i have a chik magnet...observe!

<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR="slide"><font color="crimson">
[MAGNET]-------------------- :cuccoan: </marquee>
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Post by harry66 »

Thanks for the suggestion. If you mean this game:
http://hotud.org/component/content/arti ... tion/23942
That's not it. 'Escape' seems more like a platform game to me, but what I'm looking for is a point and click adventure game for sure.

I think I recall something from the end of the shareware version (just before the ad promoting the full version)
You have escaped from the spaceship and you are on a bare planet, I think most of it is red/orange dirt.
You are near a cliff and on the other side is something blinking, probably a ring.
Just before or just after you're able to get the ring the shareware version stops.

I really hope that I'm not mixing in details from other games I played, but I'm not fully sure about this last detail.
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Post by harry66 »

I am still searching for this game, so I thought it might be useful to give a summary of what I know so far:

It's a point-and-click adventure game.
The platform is probably MS-DOS, I played the shareware version.
The graphics were 2d and had not a lot of details. I played it around 2000, but I think it was created earlier.
The name I can recall is 'b7', but I cannot find the game by it's name. It's not the action game based on the Blake's 7 series.

The goal of the shareware version of the game is to escape from a spaceship.

These are the in-game details I can recall:

You have to cause a fire in your cell to get the guards to extinguish it. After that they would let the door open to let the smoke out and post a guard next to your door.
You have to wait until the guard is looking away from you and strangle him from the back. (with an electrical wire or garden hose I think)
After escaping from your cell you'll get in a hallway, with each door having some kind of electrical lock. You could open one by unscrewing it and solving some kind of puzzle.

I recall going through other rooms (of the guards) picking up stuff I needed to escape. (getting it from drawers and cabinets). Probably also finding some other prisoners that didn't survive...

You have escaped from the spaceship and you are on a bare planet, I think most of it is red/orange dirt. You are near a cliff and on the other side is something blinking, probably a ring.

Just before or just after you're able to get the ring the shareware version stops, You get an advertisement for the full version of the game, taking place at a new planet.
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Post by MrFlibble »

What year was it released in, approximately? Maybe it's somewhere on this list at MobyGames...
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Post by Rutix »

Do you mean the dutch game B-7?

Some screenshots here:

I was searching a lot too for this game ^_^

The site to the developer is here:

All his games are freeware and so can be found on his site.
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Post by harry66 »

Woohoo! :clap:
Thanks a bunch Rutix! It's exactly the game I was looking for. :D
A lot of the other games on that page I played as well, I totally forgot about them.
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