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No one likes me

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:18 pm
by abyss
I am a male with bad looking hair and fangs yes that's right i have fangs. I also have a lot of freckles. I have a boring personality. I don't know about most of these new games. I'm 15. I also have big cheaks.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:33 pm
by dosraider
Get a haircut then, or wear it as I do for the last 15 or 20 years, military look, 1 mm.
(That's what remains of it, I'm almost completely bald now. :/ ).

Fangs? So what? If you are embarassed with them go to a dentist, they can do a dental job on them owerdays. You ain't the first one having those, you know.

Freckles ? You can get a chemical peel to get rid of those.(at least for a whole time).

A boring personality? You on your own you keep us all here on the board more than busy, you are probably the most entertaining poster ever.

Djees, you're a puber ain't ya ? You gonna grow up, eventually.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:54 pm
by Final Chance
You managed to get over 500 posts in only about 4 months. :thumbsup: I'll congratulate you there. It took emmzee, the owner of this forum/website, a lot longer than that.

And since we can't see you, you're pretty much equal to the rest of us in that regard. It would make no difference even if you looked 10x better than Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio as far as this forum is concerned.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:23 am
by Dogbreath
Maybe I can't relate directly, but I was your age once, and:

I find that if you aproach life with the intention of genuinely liking people, instead of trying to get people to like you, you'll have a lot better time of it. Really, there are some people out there who simply will not like you, no matter what you do. Don't worry about that, just concentrate on the things in life that you CAN change - like how you feel about and treat other people.

As for your looks: rejoice! For you are male. This may sound sexist, but really, guys don't judge eachother based on their looks. (Whereas a lot of girls I knew in HS CONSTANTLY would gossip about other girls behind their back just because "they don't wear the right clothes") You shouldn't be so self-concious about the way you look, it doesn't really matter.

Speaking of which, wanna post a photo of yourself? Might help some.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:51 am
by Unknown_K
Some people look better when they are young, some people look better when they are old. Quite a few popular TV?movie stars (women and men) look better older then they did when they were teens. Some of the hottest girls in my highschool class look very bad now in their 30's, they peaked way too soon. Quite a few of the jocks are balding badly too, plus are flabby now.

Young kids are superficial anyways, even the popular people have self confidense issues at that age.

So don't worry about it and , be happy and others will notice you.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:09 am
by dosraider
Do some sports.

Look at Arny, he's an ugly son of a bi**, but he made a lot of money as the terminator, hell, he's a governor now !!!

Coming to think about it, why haven't you taken TehTerminator as nick ?

Not that I want to say that you should change it again, I mean, not really, not again , the admins wouldn't like it, again a change , euuuuu , yep.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:48 am
by MiniMax
If you ever get to Stockholm abyss, I will be the first to buy you a beer (even though beer and alcohol are fecking expensive here).

Note: If you get here before you turn 18, have your parents sign a paper saying it is okay for you to have that beer :)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:04 pm
by abyss
I don't do drugs and i never have and never will and beer is considered a drug.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:41 pm
by dosraider
No problem, I'll have that beer if I ever get to Stockholm, and will buy you one Belgian beer , MiniMax.


Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:31 am
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
I have plans to visit Sweden at some stage and I know a couple of people who live in Stockholm, any chance of swinging a beer my way MiniMax? :P

Anyway, I echo what DB said. Really just accept it, there are people in this world who are not going to like you, it’s as simple as that, pretending to be someone else to make these people like you will only alienate you from your real friends and people who like you for who you actually are.

Being yourself is by far the easiest option as you don’t have to consciously do anything other then just go about your business as you normally would and when you make friends they’re ‘real’ friends.

As for the looks, I wouldn’t worry about that either. Personally I think I’m nothing special, though I’ve had quite a few people tell me otherwise, even so, I rate personality over looks, which is an approach many people would do well to adopt. Because honestly who gives a shit how good or bad the person looks if they’re a moronic asshole who annoys the crap out of you?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:57 am
by Ro@m
MiniMax wrote: Note: If you get here before you turn 18, have your parents sign a paper saying it is okay for you to have that beer :)
Thats great!
Heh,if only that would be in Croatia.... :(

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:58 am
by cazgotsaved look up self esteem help. It'll help!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:19 pm
by Check-Mate
I don't like beer... Go for the vodka my friend. It's where it's at.

But seriously...
I agree with Johnny boy. (Dogbreath, for all you who don't know)

And don't get too worried about your ego. Just think of your good qualities. Or maybe ask your friends for the qualities they like about you.

Then, whenever you're feeling down about yourself, just remind yourself of those good qualities you have to offer, and you'll feel better.

Anywho, you're only 15 and your body and personality are still shaping.

Don't worry. For now you should concentrate on having fun, working hard at school, and generally being nice to people.

Again, what DB said: Genuinely like people, and they'll like you. Be nice to everyone, and they'll be drawn to you. Smile, be friendly, etc. etc.

And above all, kid. Don't go around moping about how much of a loser you are, and complaining about how much you suck or whatever...
Cause that will push people away. Self-pity is a real turn off for people.
If you show confidence in yourself, then people will be more drawn towards you. Show them that it's not all about you, but instead concentrate on them.
Final Chance wrote: And since we can't see you, you're pretty much equal to the rest of us in that regard. It would make no difference even if you looked 10x better than Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio as far as this forum is concerned.
(PS-- Those celebrities are icky anyways.)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:41 am
I agree with Check-Mate's statement about self-pity being a real turn off.

If you REALLY care what others think and want friends, then be what they want you to be. Change. It isn't that hard.

If you want to be HAPPY...then stop caring about other people's opinions. Sure, you may have no friends, but do you really want to be friends with people who don't like who you are?



Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:48 am
by julie124
I used to be a kind of person ( about a month ago) who always would try everyhting to make everyone else happy. It gets so stressfull and draining trying to get people to like you. Do you know what the funniest thing is? when I was being way too nice, it turned people off, now that I have confidence and is looking out for me, everyone loves me.. its awesome :P
the moral of the story is, concentrate on you, make yourself happy. Your the one got to live your life, if someone don't like you, F*** em, their not worth your time anyways. Theres lots more people out there that would love to be your friend, and will like you for who you are...
take care

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:32 pm
by jason07
Don't hate yourself for being you. You are you because there's something in this world that only YOU can do, with all those human imperfections, weaknesses, and struggles. Rejoice always!


Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 10:55 am
by dayaccus007
You are only 15??Then no worry yet, you will change yourself a lot in the next few years.