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Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:18 am
by nastypoisonspikes
War on Iraq has been declared (again) if Hussain doesn't leave the country. I personally think that he will not leave. U.S.A., Britain and Australia have pleged there forces.

Many Australians ask, "why must Australia be in this war, it has nothing to do with us".

The answer, is simply that we need America, otherwise Australia would be crushed. Probably by Indonesia, since we liberated East Timor from them, and many other countries from which people are illigally entering Australia. Our defenses are incredibly weak; so we need strong allies.

This is what I believe, anyway.


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 8:42 am
by wardrich
i also heard that Canada isnt going to take part -thank god-, prolly cause the last time they tried to help the US, they dropped bombs on is :-S

So long as this war doesn't make it to the US and stays in Iraq, im happy.


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:30 am
by Webmaster From Hell
Its about time!! Btw, I am so mad right now! My original WFH account stopped working, so in order to fix the situation, I had to lose all my precious posts!!! :Angry: :cry:

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:35 am
by wardrich
stfu n00B :laugh: lol, that sux man.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:38 am
by Thunderdog
Webmaster From Hell wrote:Its about time!! Btw, I am so mad right now! My original WFH account stopped working, so in order to fix the situation, I had to lose all my precious posts!!! :Angry: :cry:
Your old account "isnt working" anymore, because we banned it. :devil:

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:38 am
by wardrich
-evil cackle-

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 10:52 am
by Da_Goat
Of course he ain't gonna leave. He hasn't the last ten times we've asked him, why would he now?

Does anybody else think that it was not a good idea for Bush to go ahead without the U.N.'s permission?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:47 pm
by Dogbreath
It wasn't banned. What DID happen is that WFH created a second account, "Evil Boris", to pretend to be one of our users and have two, not one accounts. The old one was deleted because we only allow ONE account at a time.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:49 pm
by John The Ax
The U.N. declared long ago that if any country therein was attacked, they'd help it. We were attacked yet not helped by the UN, and they're a bunch of whiney you-know-whats. When does the UN make decisions for us? It's not like we're going to need their help, and we're better off without them (the French).

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:54 pm
by wardrich
i agree. The french are stupid. They are like "oh its okay, Hitler is a good man and we can trust him"... "Here Hitler, have some of our power"... "OMG HITLER IS EVIL HELP US AMERICA AND CANADA WAA WAA WAA"

(no offence to the french, they arent stupid, just their government)

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:21 pm
by Dogbreath
I say we shouldn't attack Sadam. Instead, just appoint him PM of France, see how fast they'll come running to us then. ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:32 pm
by Thunderdog
Or, we have him take over Governer Turnbull's position.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:36 pm
by Unknown_K
French people look after their own interests, just like any other country. They also have a tendency to act more important then they are. What I see going on is france is trying to take over the power base of the UN from the USA. Good luck to them since the US pretty much pays a large amount of the UN budget, I think the french shot themselves in the foot along with the rest of old europe (England not included).

If there is any justice in the world the US would roll into Saudi Arabia after they get done hanging sadam. Thats the real threat to the rest of the world , crazy arab fundimentalists running around terrorizing the world supported by the 2 faced princes in Saudi Arabia who get protection and all their money (from sale of oil) from the USA.

Pakistan was another country helping terrorists before 9/11 but gave it up after they seen bush bombing the shit out of the taliban.

The reason we are going to take out Iraq is because the USA after 9/11 is tired of dictators toying with us. Its a show of deadly force.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:00 pm
by Dogbreath
Saudi Arabia, though it should be taken out, is the location of the holy cities of Islam. If we were to attack, we'd have 1.3 billion turban wearing Muslims up our ass, all wanting to fight to the death. I don't think even the US could handle that.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:11 pm
by Unknown_K
Dogbreath wrote:Saudi Arabia, though it should be taken out, is the location of the holy cities of Islam. If we were to attack, we'd have 1.3 billion turban wearing Muslims up our ass, all wanting to fight to the death. I don't think even the US could handle that.
It can be done, just would be extremely bloody and costly. Only the most militant arabs would show up to fight, they would have to truck weapons and supplies though the desert garded by the US air force. Our major problem wouldnt be the actual fighting (except for keeping the bullets flowing) but the problem of what to do with the people after we win. At least we wouldnt have to worry about isriel pissing the arabs off since we would have dont it already.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 6:14 pm
by Dogbreath
I once talked to a man in #Islam. He said that he was peaceful and hated the terrorists, but if Mecca were to fall in jepordy, he and all other Muslims would fight to the death for it, no matter where or how liberal their religious status. (He was a white, liberal man living in Australia and if even he's willing to fight, than we'd be in trouble)

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:31 pm
by Unknown_K
Dogbreath wrote:I once talked to a man in #Islam. He said that he was peaceful and hated the terrorists, but if Mecca were to fall in jepordy, he and all other Muslims would fight to the death for it, no matter where or how liberal their religious status. (He was a white, liberal man living in Australia and if even he's willing to fight, than we'd be in trouble)
Define falling into jeapordy? Did he mean if the jews rolled in?

Remember there are alot of people who say one thing, but do another when the time comes to act. Besides what is he going to do fly in unarmed and throw some stones while he slowly starves because no supplies are getting to him?

Also saudis get most of their drinking water from the reverse osmosis plants located by the sea, you own that and you own them.

This isnt like vietnan that was mostly a grunt war with the enemy having unlimited arms, places to hide, and you cant hit their bases because of political bullshit.

I am NOT for killing muslims, but face facts the people of 9/11 were from saudi arabia and I bet were funded by people in charge there.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:46 pm
by Bobo
Did you hear about the American and Iraqi in counter? Well if you haven't read below.

The war is coming and American troops decide for a no-ammo exersise. Tanks are rumblin down the southern turkish bordor. Then all of a sudden Iraqi troops start to surrend!! /o/ (They must have been French Iraqies). America firmally stated, that the war hadn't started yet, and then we released them.

BTW: What the heck is up with Freedom Fries (French Fries), Freedom Muffins (English Muffins), and the others.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 8:15 pm
by John The Ax
Freedom <b>muffins</b>? The English support <u>us</u>! It's because we now hate the French, don't worry, it won't last.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 8:28 pm
by Unknown_K
Bobo wrote:Did you hear about the American and Iraqi in counter? Well if you haven't read below.

The war is coming and American troops decide for a no-ammo exersise. Tanks are rumblin down the southern turkish bordor. Then all of a sudden Iraqi troops start to surrend!! /o/ (They must have been French Iraqies). America firmally stated, that the war hadn't started yet, and then we released them.

BTW: What the heck is up with Freedom Fries (French Fries), Freedom Muffins (English Muffins), and the others.
That story was originally told as british forces were doing a live fire exercise (not even aiming at the border) and iraqi's starting coming over and surrendering. I think its just bullshit to show the Iraqi's that they should give up.

Besides any "troops" stationed at the border are just militia people with no training but issued old weapons and uniforms to act as cannon fodder during the first moments of attack. Those people would be scared shitless (with reason to be) and will give up asap to the first guy they see.

As in any war the people who end up dead are just common citizens doing their job of protecting their country in time of war. None of the people in the Iraqi army have a choice in what their government does, and even if they did not defending your country from any invading force is uncommon in any military even when the odds are against you badly.

As far as the french reference goes, that country lost more people in WWI then the US has lost in EVERY war they have ever been in by MANY multiples. Imagion losing millions of your countrymen, a whole generation killed or mutilated for a war you didnt start or even wanted to be in. Even in WWII they faught and took many casualties before they surrended to an enemy that was much larger, better equipped, and using moder tactics. No army in 1940 would have held up under a ground attack by the german army, the only thing that saved the russians was having a much larger population and having room to run like hell. The older european countries know first hand how terrible wars are because they have had them in thier country and lost. That is one thing the US has never had to do, fight on its own turf.

Still nobody likes Sadam Hussein, its just nobody else has the strength to go get rid of him, or the stomach to kill a few hundred thousand people to get him. Also there are alot of dictators who are not too keen to support a country that wants to destroy a country to remove another dictator.