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What is your Favorite Movie of the Summer?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:56 pm
by kittie
Here are your Choices

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:03 pm
by Da_Goat
Well, out of those, I've only seen Spider-Man 2.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:39 pm
by emmzee
Spiderman 2 was cool. I want to see Mancurian Candidate (or however you spell it) ... its got good reviews, and looks like it would enjoyable to watch .....

Just saw "The Village" cuz my brother wanted to see it. Yea, everything bad you've heard about it is true. I really enjoyed Sixth Sense and The Signs but The Village was the worst movie I've seen in awhile. :Angry:

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:53 pm
by x86_Game-Junkie
hmmm I have few not mentioned in this post..

Hellboy, The Chronicles of Riddick and AVP (Alien vs Predator)...all of these look good but if I was to go with just that list I would probably say Spiderman 2.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:04 pm
by Dopefish
emmzee wrote:I want to see Mancurian Candidate (or however you spell it) ... its got good reviews, and looks like it would enjoyable to watch .....
It was very good. I thought the original was lame but this was a vast improvement. It's also pretty much the polar opposite of the original in ways.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:05 am
by kittie
Okay Adding Two More Now

Alien Vs Preditor

It has not come out yet

If not I would have put it on there

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:34 pm
by Dopefish
Why even make this a poll? What if someone's favorite summer movie is something none of you have heard of, like "Tales From the Crapper"?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:22 pm
by Wally
what about i robot?


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:06 am
by kittie
Opps Forgot about that

Adding that now and


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:08 pm
by Da_Goat
And what about Shrek 2?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:01 am
by wardrich
emmzee wrote:Spiderman 2 was cool. I want to see Mancurian Candidate (or however you spell it) ... its got good reviews, and looks like it would enjoyable to watch .....

Just saw "The Village" cuz my brother wanted to see it. Yea, everything bad you've heard about it is true. I really enjoyed Sixth Sense and The Signs but The Village was the worst movie I've seen in awhile. :Angry:


Here's the scoop...

The Village: The Drama that was marketed as a Horror

1) Nothing scary in it at all... infact, I lauged most of the way thru it
2) Confusing as hell... the keep flipping between old english and current
3) The story is confusing
4) The ending is BS... it just gets good, then BAM. Credits... WTF
5) DON'T SEE IT!!!

Sry about the lateness on that. I feel bad that yet another $10.00 was wasted. Sry Darren :(


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:17 am
by kittie
Sorry Forgot Shrek 2

The Village Was BS

Saw it Yesterday

and everthing you said is true

What was M. Night Shyamalan Thinking

Hope His next movie dosnt Blow Like That

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:55 pm
by wardrich
ya, that was the first movie of his I'd ever seen... and OMG. It stank. I think the problem was that all his movies are like 107min or w/e so they purpously cut this one down to make it the same length... and in doing so, they just got rid of all the important and good content and left the crap... it's HORRIBLE

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:55 pm
by CloudCobain
Shrek 2 was damn funny, but I choose Spider-Man 2. I dunno if the fact that I saw it with my girlfriend comes into that...

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:56 pm
by Da_Goat
wardrich wrote:ya, that was the first movie of his I'd ever seen... and OMG. It stank. I think the problem was that all his movies are like 107min or w/e so they purpously cut this one down to make it the same length... and in doing so, they just got rid of all the important and good content and left the crap... it's HORRIBLE
You should see Signs. It's not horror, and it shouldn't be. The suspense is what makes it so good.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:03 pm
by Hiroshi
It's difficult to decide between Harold and Kumar and The Bourne Supremacy. Both were really good movies.

You going to add Collateral?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:37 pm
by Iuppiter
wardrich wrote:The Village: The Drama that was marketed as a Horror

1) Nothing scary in it at all... infact, I lauged most of the way thru it
2) Confusing as hell... the keep flipping between old english and current
3) The story is confusing
4) The ending is BS... it just gets good, then BAM. Credits... WTF
5) DON'T SEE IT!!!
I didn't think it was that bad. Ah... here I go, doing the list thing...

*WARNING* *This stuff would kind of ruin the movie, so... don't read it if you don't want to.*

1) I thought it was pretty scary that those people would go to those lengths just to get away from modern society, and then use the idiot's death to help prolong their lifestyle.
2) There wasn't really any old english to begin with, so... yeah.
3) How so? The story was perfectly clear to me.
4) I think the ending was the best part, it leaves you wondering if they are going to keep up the project, even though their children are going blind, and suffering from other maladies which could easily be cured with modern medicine. Besides, you alreay know the creatures were faked, and they are just living in a nature preserve, where else are they going to go with it?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:07 am
by Da_Goat
*WARNING* *This stuff would kind of ruin the movie, so... don't read it if you don't want to.*
Psst...those are called "spoilers". :)

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:11 am
by kittie
Ya But the Sixth Sense was his best Movie

Check it out wardrich

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:32 pm
by DosReaper
i dont think theres enuf votes to tell who wins yet, although spiderman2 will probably