Pre '96 Top-Down Sci-Fi Vehicle Sandbox with Joystick compatibility [Traffic Department 2192]

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Pre '96 Top-Down Sci-Fi Vehicle Sandbox with Joystick compatibility [Traffic Department 2192]

Post by Foxhound »

The subject title is very specific, I know!
However, this game has been living in my brain rent free since I last played it at age 6 (1996), just with no title to remember it by..

The facets of this game are as I recall, 27 years on:

The game was set in what I recall was a square shaped sized sandbox post-apoc city scape, which was walled off to and surrounded by desert. There were entry points to the main city area at due north, south, east and westerly points on the map.

The main character was a brown haired female pilot/driver, whose father had been killed, in flashbacks likely, at the beginning of the game (the story was told through slideshow pictures and text).

You drive/piloted a sort x-wing looking vehicle through the streets and avenues, shooting other enemy vehicles and... tanker vehicles, as I remember. I'm pretty sure these enemy vehicles would enter the map via the beforementioned entry points. I also say pilot since I specifically recall piloting a helicopter in one mission, which allowed you to roam the map unimpeded by walls or structures throughout the map. You also always started at one specific location on the map, kind of like your own personal garage or home base.

When firing up the game, you were asked every time to calibrate the joystick by directing a red crossed pointer, specifically enough. Top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left etc.

The top left area of the map/city had maybe one or two entry points to what I think was supposed to be an industrial looking area with large silos/tanks. Just a section of the map where I seem to remember the layout specifically.

You also had a map to help you find your way and could possibly show your enemy's location anywhere on the map, if I'm remembering right.

One more very oddly specific detail that I never forget, was that if you attempted to leave via any of the NSWE entry points to the map, you would be blocked by an invisible barrier just a few meters after progressing past the wall but before being able to reach the edge of the entire map proper. However, if you reach the city's south entry point and pass the wall but before the invisible barrier, you could squeeze through these visible singular barriers along the sides of the road and access the desert! Now the oddly specific part, in the south-eastern section of the desert area was one single barrier, being the same as one of those previously mentioned barriers you squeezed through to enter the desert, just placed there, randomly alone by itself. I always thought as kid that it was symbolically the main character's father's grave. :laugh:

So yeah, any info in identifying this not-so-forgotten game would really help close a repressed chapter in my gaming life!
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Joined: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:27 am

Pre '96 Top-Down Sci-Fi Vehicle Sandbox with Joystick compatibility [Traffic Department 2192]

Post by Foxhound »

Yup, that's it. That's the one!

Amazing. I never would have guessed the name, but to think it would've taken just one post after all these years to put it to bed... :slap:

Thanks Mr Flibble for sharing your knowledge!
My terrible search is over.
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