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Early / mid 90s game with puzzles first person (biohazard emblem on cover)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:16 pm
by SilenzZzz
i have been trying to recall the name of this game for some time now...

The basic theme of it from what i recall.

your mind was infected by a sort of virus. and you were trying to find the cure. and were presented by various puzzles and locations to track down to unlock more information about what was going on and a cure.

the game play would vary from trying to avoid others trying to capture you. to a puzzle presented on the screen to unlock something. (it was mostly a big series of puzzles)

i recall it having a biohazard emblem on the cover and maybe the CD its self.

it would have been around 1994 - 1997

played it on a PC.. Windows 95 most likely ...

Early / mid 90s game with puzzles first person (biohazard emblem on cover)

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:22 am
by Rwolf
Windows95 came out in 1997, so it would be an early game for it.
Of course Win3.x came before, and there are two similar games that might fit:
Johnny Mnemonic
The latter was also available for Windows95