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Strategy Fantasy DOS/Windows around 94

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:37 pm
by upillai4444
HI all. I've tried and commented on Moby, reddit, and a couple others, but no luck. Even searching their DB didn't give me the result, so here's hoping for the best :)

I'll try to provide as much as I can remember but I'm sure some details might not be correct. There was a game I played on my PC in HS during 94-95. You could play solo against the PC, or 2 player with or without the PC. It's a top view strategy/conquer type game. There is a map, with boarders where you start on one, and try to conquer all the other lands. When you start you get an army of maybe 100. Each land can recruit/train different types of armies (knight, elf, dark elf, halflings, and others (i do remember halflings sucked and threw stones, so if you trained them on which ever land had them, you would get double the solders). Also on your land you can build castles to protect yourself from attacking armies. Each turn you can train armies on each land you owned, or build a catapult or ballista. Also, when you start, you get 4 heros. A knight who fought with a sword, an elf who had a bow and sword, a druid who threw 3 exploding acorns about a few spaces ahead, and a wizard who shot fireballs to the end of the board. During each turn you could send 1-4 of these heros out on quests. They would either die or return one level higher and usually with some magic artifact like boot of speed, which you can guess made them fast when you used them to fight.

Now for the fighting, if you attacked a land and won your army would gain a level as well as if you had a hero. The fight was top view and just in some field, unless that land had a castle in which case that defending army had the walls to stand behind. To start the 2 players would take turns laying out their armies on opposite sides of the map. When the fight started, it was split screen and real time, so both players would command each army/hero and fight using opposite sides of the keyboard.

That's all I can remember at the moment, but hopefully someone with a better memory nerded out as much as I did can help.


Strategy Fantasy DOS/Windows around 94

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 3:30 pm
by MrFlibble