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90's to Early 2000's game about curing villagers w/ potions

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:26 pm
by Phondon
Game Description:

-It was sort of simulation.
-About curing village people buy selling potions.

Basic Info:

-Windows Game that came in a CD from the store.
-Played this around 2004-2008ish.
-Simulation (Maybe Strategy)
-It was probably 3D but I can't remember. Maybe 2D and the villagers turning made it look 3D.


-The plot was that villagers had big head syndrome or flaming heads and it was your job as a potion brewer to help them.
-The game was at the bird's eye view of the entire village and you can see your potion shop.
-I don't remember if you could see yourself (Main Character).
-I don't think monsters were in the game.
-The objective was that you had to cure villagers of their defects (burning head, big head) and you gain coins/money. (I think money was used for upgrading your potions and how many you can make or something.)
-There was a time limit per day.

90's to Early 2000's game about curing villagers w/ potions

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:58 pm
by tiddlywinkshijinks
I know this post is old, but I just saw it.

The game is Fairy Godmother Tycoon.

It's available at Big Fish Games.