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robot puzzle/adventure game from win95/98

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 8:55 am
by Flamesofshadow
this game is one I played on my old windows 95/98 pc so it could be from a floppy disk, or a cd I don't really know.

the game itself involved the player (some sort of robot) going around interacting with terminals (of varying colors I think) while also needing to collect floppy disk-shaped objects for said terminals, it may have been a puzzle type game or an adventure type but it was sometimes difficult to navigate.

in terms of enemies, I do not recall the game having any but I feel like it might have because the robot may have been able to attack or be attacked by others but its a very early memory so I can't recall enough about it.

the appearance of the game I believe was sort of a 2.5D sort of design, as the game wasn't fully 3d but also wasn't top-down or a side view, and as for the player character, I think (and am likely wrong) that you could choose a few different looks for the robot, but all were basically like the mech suit thing from alien (bipedal factory type robot suit with two big claws on the front for grabbing things)

aside from the objectives of finding the disks and terminals I don't know of another main objective or story as I never got super far into the game, but the levels were really well designed for the time with a high amount of detail for the age of the game, I think the levels themselves were a maze but also different colors in different areas, so a blue section, or a red section etc.

I think that is everything about that game that I can think of.

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:24 pm
by Wally
Long shot, Supaplex?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:31 am
by Flamesofshadow
unfortunately that isnt it