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Sci-fi adventure game [Little Big Adventure]

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:38 pm
by emyleikenaar
Okay, this is driving me completely bugshit and I can't find peace until I've figured out what it was.

The thing is, I have only flashes of memories of this game, and I'm not even sure whether I got all the facts right, but I'll give it a shot.

From what I remember it's an isometric adventure game, late 90's, maybe even early 00's, might be point and click, but I don't think so. It starts with this dude with a knot or something on his head, with a black and yellow prison outfit (and in my memory he looks quite cartoonish but I'm not sure) and he's thrown in some sort of futuristic prison, or maybe even a lab or something. A guard comes hovering in on a platform, you knock the guy out and take his outfit. And then you escape and start doing god-knows-what-else.

I do remember there are certain poses you can pick from, like agressive, sneaking, normal, etc. When you bash baddies up, there are comic book-like stars above their heads, so it wasn't meant to be realistic.

That's about all I remember. I watched this game over a guys shoulder decades ago, and I can only remember that part of the game.

Who knows what this is?
Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 4:55 pm
by emyleikenaar
waitaminute! I think I found it,
little big adventure.

Okay! Cool! Bye!!!