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a DEMO in pure 100% assembly for just a brief moment

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:26 am
by tienkhoanguyen

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:30 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

The entire sources are included.

All together there should be 5 files.

Instead of a .EXE there is a .COM

I used .COM because I know all the ingredientes that goes into that.

.EXE structures are a little more complex and uncertain.

Although .COM is well known there is a challenge.

All your coding must fit within 64000 bytes.

Nothing more.

Thank you God of Moses for my two real parents!

Honour to my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy.
Honour to my real mom Huong Thi Vu.

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:38 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

By the way...hehe.....this subtle INTRO is made with:

Borland Turbo Assembler 4.1


No other ingredientes added hehe

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:46 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

Also, after unzipping the file you have 4 files total.

So that makes 5 total because 4 from the zip and the original zip file. hehe

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:22 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe ...

Bless God!
Then bless my real mom Huong Thi Vu for teaching me to be loving.

Honours to my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy for teaching me to be programmer.

Honours to my real mom Huong Thi Vu for also taking perfect care of me.

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:30 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

Have you ever wanted to get a sense of what basketball feels like?

Well at least to me this is a good sense of that.

When you release the healing ball with the spacebar key.....
You can then control it like a basketball.

Please use the I-up, J-left, L-right, and K-down keys.

The enter or return key will stop all animations.

To control the X, you can use the A-left, W-up, D-right, and S-down keys.

To control the sign, please use the left, up, down, and right arrow keys.

Q-key will quit the DEMO.

Thank you God for all your blessings on my family#!!

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:41 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

In this one the game DEMO only has credits embedded.

So if you take it apart using a disassembler or a hex editor:

You see that WWW.DOSGAMES.COM is one of the websites mentioned.

Just to name a few others: Quadko, Pseudocoder.

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:02 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe ...

Bless my mom she always likes happy games!

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:37 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

Well well well hehe

It seems this DEMO has become my first game in pure assembly hehe

It is just negative right now hehe

However the object of the game is:

After you release the healing ball:

Keep the ball active.

If your ball reaches the point where you targetted it to go it ends the game.

You use the W,A,S,D keys to target and space to release the ball.

You use the arrow keys to move the signs.

If at any time you are scared you can press ENTER or RETURN to stop all#!!

Now for the challenge:

The ball is controlled with the I,J,K,L keys.

The boundaries are left, bottom, and right with the top ending the game.

Thank you God of Moses!
Bless God of Moses then my real mom Huong Thi Vu for teaching me loving!

Honours to my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy for teaching me programming.

Honours to my real mom Huong Thi Vu for teaching me make games nice.

Love to my cousin who I consider my real brother Carl Anh Cuong Cao Vu.

There are a few secret greetings to my friends embedded in the game.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:47 pm
by pseudocoder
That's another cool one though in my olden years, my reflexes are a bit too slow to keep up with the pace... maybe add a "game speed" option for the next demo?

I like how the cross hair lights up on collision... that's a great feature.

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:45 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe


I hope you have many years to go.

There are tough days and it is nice to have a friend.

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:10 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

Well I'm still nobody in assembly so I had to do it the hard way.

However I got some speed adjustments for you @pseudocoder.

The keys 1,2,3, and 4 changes the speed of the game.

1 = slow for my system
2 = medium for my system
3 = okay
4 = max that the system could go at this time ...

For future references on newer DOS machines a revision is possible.
So newer systems with super high speeds have to be redone.

However it should be possible for super fast DOS machines.

Thank you for the feedbacks and just for being you "young" timer hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:45 pm
by pseudocoder
The turtle pace speed was pretty good, but I had cheating in mind. The X and O could move at normal speed while the text was slowed down so that I could target and hit it. :P

Are the movements were tied together? It seemed that each object moved at the same speed and is updated as one. Is it possible to independently move the X and O at different rates? Maybe tap space once the O is fired to increase its velocity?

Another idea would be to add random obstacles that either absorb the O or kill the X if touched.

Good stuff; it's a fun demo to play. :thumbsup:

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:41 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

From a conceptual perceptive perspective they are all possible.

Once you are able to program in one language you should be able to do others.

So it shouldn't be hard for what you want in Borland Turbo Assembler 4.1.

Thanks for playing the demo and trying it out and your friendship.

The more that is required the more time usually has to be put in.

So I'll see what I can put into it the best I can.

I'm glad from the friend's perspective anyways.

You give me another point of view that I'm blocked from seeing.

Being so focused on Borland Turbo Assembler 4.1 takes my creativity away.

At least to some extent I'm not able to see what possible fun could be.

I'll try to work on it when I get the energy.

I just got done cleaning house for the most part for 2 hours.

My sister has a babyshower today and my mom prepared meals for families.

Thank you God of Moses and The Ten Commandments!
Please keep my mom Huong Thi Vu strong for the remainder of her life.

Anyways...honours to my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy for teaching discipline.
He always wanted me to be an engineer but settled for programming. hehe

Honours to my mom Huong Thi Vu for telling me to be nice.
At least I don't scare @pseudocoder away hehe

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:23 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

I'm sorry @pseudocoder my old timer. hehe :laugh:

I've been busy and drained lately.

Haven't had the strength to get to the game.

Maybe next life? :laugh:

Jesus!hehe It's lazy Sunday day hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:14 am
by tienkhoanguyen
pseudocoder wrote:The turtle pace speed was pretty good, but I had cheating in mind. The X and O could move at normal speed while the text was slowed down so that I could target and hit it. :P

Are the movements were tied together? It seemed that each object moved at the same speed and is updated as one. Is it possible to independently move the X and O at different rates? Maybe tap space once the O is fired to increase its velocity?

Another idea would be to add random obstacles that either absorb the O or kill the X if touched.

Good stuff; it's a fun demo to play. :thumbsup:
Hey young timer @pseudocoder:

For my niave youthful thinking you probably don't have much to go.

However this assembly game is more complex than I thought.

In C it is easy however assembly takes a lot of work.

You already know it takes a lot of lines compared to C at least.

Supposedly it is faster than C.

However if you do it right I'm sure C could probably be equal or better.

After all, C actually turns into assembly after processing.

In my research C is very structured.

I guess people back in late 1980's and early 1990's were pretty darn good.


They didn't come to be known as the best for nothing hehe

Anyways, I'm sorry @pseudocoder my mind isn't working right.

For some reason I'm stuck.

I guess my tricks of the trade is only "beginner level"

Hint hint: Run like a chicken away from my teaching :cuccoan:

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:44 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

Well I decided to try to make a pseudo-commercial game for you :laugh:

For what it is worth it just has a special greeting message to @pseudocoder.

The game is still the same.

The way it works is you would unzip the files into a folder code name DCODER

Then you would just type: PIXGAMEA ...

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:47 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

When in doubt, Q usually gets you out of there fast hehe

WASD is a second choice
Arrow keys a good next of kin hehe


1234 is also ran :laugh:

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:33 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

Okay,... I'm penalizing you for targetting my two real parents with game over!


Anyways here is my next one.

The object of the game is to see how much points you can get before game.

Everytime you press the spacebar and the ball reaches the end you score.

However if the X touches my two real parents name it is game.

The score shows when it's game.

Also, hidden greetings are embedded in the assembly program. hehe :laugh:

A-targets left
D-targets right
W-targets up
S-targets down

1,2,3, and 4 sets the speed of the game

ENTER/RETURN stops everything cold if you are paralyzed. hehe :laugh:

IJKL keys controls the ball for fun.

The arrow keys move the sign again after a stop. ...

Since this is a .COM program it is under 15k hehe :laugh:

Jesus! If you go over 65535 points or such it is zero again

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:55 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
If you scored over 65535 points or such it starts from zero again.
