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X2 Support Group

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:56 pm
by MrFlibble
I've just found a file archive with a lot of useful stuff for MS-DOS programming, including code, utils and documentation:

This is a mirror of a Finnish enterprise called X2 Support Group:
X2-archive is a collection of programming related material. Our main
emphasis has been on the msdos game programming scene, but hopefully
our scope will expand further beyond msdos in near future.

All material herein have been carefully selected to aid a programmer
to create something new. We have preferred documents and source code
over typical binary distributions to avoid becoming yet another
PD/Shareware museum.

Some of the files available from our internet archive sites have been
removed from this CDROM-distribution due restrictive licenses imposed
upon distributing them 'commercially'. A lot of material included on
this CDROM have been included based on special permissions given to us
by the authors and copyright owners. These permissions do not apply to
any further copies made out of these packages by a third party.

We have checked and rechecked all material herein but errors and
mistakes are destined to lurk somewhere in a dark corner hidden from
our eyes, waiting for you to discover them.

The main guideline of X2 Support Group is to promote development of
high quality software and to gather and make available information
related to the various phases of the software development and life. We
wish to make our archives available for everybody as widely as
possible, but we also have to make sure the archive is handled
according to our high standards. [source]
I haven't heard about them before but they apparently have been actively supporting software developers, and even held a video game programming contest in 1995. The participants' entries can be found here: ... contest95/

This is actually how I found them, they have an early demo of The Fourth Generation which was submitted to the contest:

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:07 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

The Holy Bible says the evil one is in control of the world. So I might be a nobody at least I go to Heaven when I die. hehe

Bless Jesus then my real mom Huong Thi Vu at least we are real family.

Honour to my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy - he says you cannot take the world with you when you die and face judgement with God!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honour to my real mom Huong Thi Vu for telling me be nice - so at least I'm letting you all know if you serve the dark one be careful of sufferring after you pass away#!!

Love to my real cousin who I consider a brother Carl Anh Cuong Cao Vu. He was with me when I had nothing to offer.

Thank you to all the people who support me even though I'm on welfare!

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:49 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

I just recently checked out the "cyber95d" for MS-DOS and the physics engine are tremendous. Congratulations to the producers.

Re: X2 Support Group

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:43 pm
by pseudocoder
That's a shadow of its former self; much of this stuff was found at before they folded... a lot of good material was lost when the geocities, angelfire, excite, etc sites closed as well. Thanks to whoever maintains that site...

MrFlibble, thanks for posting that link... it's great to see it posted on an active site.