DOS/Win educational games

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DOS/Win educational games

Post by srajdb »

There's a couple of old educational games that I vaguely remember playing - one was DOS-based, had primitive colors/graphics (most likely designed for an EGA display) and was basically a full school day's worth of material - math, grammar, music, etc. There were at least five or six subjects, I think the main screen had a blue background. I'm pretty sure it was entirely keyboard-based, but I could be wrong.

The other one was for Windows. I think I remember it on Windows 95, but it could have been for 3.1 as well. The graphics are much better, and again, while I don't know the name of it, it had a bunch of animated nursery rhymes set to music (for instance, This Little Piggy had a bit of a funk feel to it). I think it had some sort of pyramid or cave or something you could explore in, too. Not sure what else I remember of it.

Hopefully this rings a bell for someone, if not, no biggie.
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