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Zeliard is going to Flash: ZeliardFlash

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:29 am
by ZeliardFlash
Hey Dos Fans!

One of my favorite games when I was young was the game Zeliard. A very cool, Zelda looking, game for the PC. It used to run from 2 to 64 colors. Back then it was beautiful.

I would just like to say that I am programming this game to Flash. Check out the website for more information:

I could really use some help of you dos fans. Not so much about the programming, but more like telling me what you think of Zeliard, and what things do you, and don't you, want to be in the new flash version. About the next things and improvements I am talking about:

- Widescreen (pillars are gone)
- Better Music from the original MID
- Perhaps mirrors level (in reverse)

I will try to keep to game as much as possible to the original. But I really would like you guys to tell me what you think.

The website also has a forum located here: Here you can talk about these things, and let me know how you think about some progress parts.

Right now I am working on the shops, and will continue next to the first town.

Hopefully to see you on our forum.

Kind regards,

Zeliard Flash

Moderator notice: Next time I won't be as lenient.