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LHX Attack chopper: medals and "dropping the cargo"

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:24 am
by Snake
I have just been going through some old stuff on the drive and found LHX attach chopper simulator.

I loved to play it, but never got around of dropping in the "supply mission". Could tell me how to drop the cargo in the designated area? Actually, it does not matter how close I come to the drop point I still don't get the points for the mission.

And does anyone know, what are all the medals one could get and what it their order of importance? Regardless the difficulty, I could get only four of them.

Many thanks.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:46 am
by dosraider

As for your cargo, from memory I thought you had to land on the spot, could be wrong .....


Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:10 am
by SNAke
This I know for the medals. There are nine spots, so I did wondered about what are the remaining ones. I've got air medal, distinguished flying cross, air commision(al) medal and off course, purple heart.

For the landing problem, I hasn't been successful even if I did land cca 5-20 units from the spot.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:24 am
by dosraider
*Digs in memory ....
Tour of duty medals?
Courage medals?
Such things .....

The better you accomplish the missions the more medails, as usual.
There even was a postmortem one I thought.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:53 am
by Snake
Actually, I am also not sure how the points are scored. I am usually flying on hard and the points range lies within 800-1400 pts. This is however, not enought to get anything from the higher ones (Silver star, Air Force Cross and Cong. Medal of Honor).

Secondly, it seems that the score you get does not much depend on how many of the enemies you shoot. You can hower on an enemy airstrip and shoot down everything that tries to escape and the score is not significantly bigger from "just following the mission objectve" case.

I also try to compare cheating situation with the real ones. For the same mission I got on the cheat twice as much points (2200 vs 1200) as for the real (medevac mission europe, very hard), which was sufficient only for the Silver star. Does anyone knows how to get more pts. than 1600? Very hard missions would usually yield arround 1200-1400.

If anyone would comment on this, I'll be happy.

If anyone would add a medal which should be on the list and I did not get it, I'll appreciate that.

So far I've got;
Silver star (for the cheating mission, but not for the real ones)
Distinguished Flying Cross
Air Medal
Purple Heart
Commisional Medal
Expeditionary Medal

Many thanks.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:00 am
by dosraider
It's kinda logical you won't get much higher score when shooting down everything you see, the points are mainly accorded for:
Accomplishing the mission.
And I thought the time you need, and if I remember the time factor swell it's even useless to spend too much time shooting down all you can.
It's the army son, follow orders. If they don't ask you to completely clean an airfield, then don't. Mayby you will kill some hidden friendlies in the cleaning process.

If you like chopper games you should try Jane's Apache longbow.
Or one of the Comanches.

BTW, moved to GHHT, this belongs here I thought.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:59 am
by AdamN
I thought they were similar to medals you get in F15 Strike Eagle?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:56 pm
by mieswicht
I got the game and got addicted like 15 years ago, but like Snake I cannot complete the supply run mission. How the hell do you drop the cargo? I found this: but hitting the x key does not work either. Its driving me insane.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:12 am
by mieswicht
ok, i found out myself: You need to hover above the ground in the target region (i guess under 100 feet will do) and then press x.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:59 pm
by iwaN
Snake, how do you commisional medal? thanx

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:51 pm
by markusb81
I would really like to bring the medals-discussion to an satisfying end, but unfortunately have some open questions myself.

so first of all here is everything I can contribute.
the medal board looks like:

Code: Select all

0: symbol of rank (seems to depend on points. the highest is probably colonel? at least it doesn't change from 25.000 till sth. above 300.000 points)
1: silver star (seems to be awarded for missions over 2000 points)
2: good conduct medal (got it for the sanction mission in libya with above 500 points, without shooting the camels, but only once so far?!)
3: purple heart (seems to be awarded when being injured in a mission)
4: ? don’t know, what appears here, if anything
5: air medal (seems to be awarded, when destroying an above average amount of enemy air force)
6: ? don’t know
7: armed forces expeditionary medal (got it for vietnam chemical warfare above 1000 points, but only once so far)
8: medal of honor (I didn’t get this so far, but I know from wildly playing around with the lhx.cfg file many years ago, that this appears here as a one huge medal. I can’t reconstruct it now, don’t know when I’m in the mood again to try and error around with the cfg, which doesn’t make much sense at all, since the game then usually gets flawed.)

I think at position 4 or 6 the distinguished flying cross appears. I don’t remember exactly, but I think, I got it once many years ago; don’t know how to get it again. can anyone help?
other questions:
what is it about the 'commissional medal' (or sth. like that)?
how to get the medal of honor?
are 2 and 7 really awarded only once?
is colonel the highest?
can anyone ask 'the man' brent iverson / EA?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:49 pm
by iwaN
markus, you re right, distinguished flying cross is on position six. i got it for shooting down a lot of aircraft, i guess. there is distinguished service cross on number 4, i think. u get it for more than 3000 points. 2 & 7.. yea i got them only once. as far for commissional medal.. i haven't got it.. we share the same question. hope it helps.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:30 pm
by markusb81
iwaN, thank you very much for this extremely valueable feedback!
I will try to get the two remaining medals on 4 (serviceX) and 6 (flyingX) and report again. could take some time...

but in essence so far this means (my opinion, considering the huge space, I labeled 8, is reserved for only one medal of honor), that there is no 'commissional medal'. maybe a mistake in name.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:30 am
by iwaN
i think the best way to get d.flyningX is to play on average level, europe, alpha strike. complete the mission task and find an airport where enemy aircraft takes off. find a good position and shoot down as much choppers and planes as u can.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:12 pm
by markusb81
thanks iwaN, finally I got:
-on position 6: distinguished flying cross (I did surgical strike with the migs in germany/medium and shot a huge amount of enemy aircraft that was taking off. so this indeed seems to be awarded like a double/threetimes/... air medal.)
-on position 4: distinguished service cross (for 3162 points with cheat/germany/very hard/pow rescue/osprey with guns/shooting a lot of aircraft. so this seems to be awarded for more than 3000 points.)

what's next?
trying to achieve 4000 points, if possible, to perhaps get the medal of honor??

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:16 pm
by markusb81
ok, I just achieved 5110 points... it doesn't do anything (except dist. serviceX).

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:59 am
by iwaN
good job. yeah, i wanted to reply that i had over 4000 points.. nothing but d.s.X. as you said. it seems that medal of honor is not awarded for points. i dont really get it :-??

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:25 am
by markusb81
yeah, 10.618 points aren't enough either...

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:11 am
by iwaN
yeah.. that's very nice mission score. anyway, i won't be able to play lhx for some time.. please let me know if there are some news.. if u figure out anything new. regards

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:44 am
by markusb81
nothing new, unfortunately... no medal on position <8>.
one really gets tired and runs out of ideas of what else to try.

once I got for an injury plus above 3000 the purple heart plus silver star (why not dist. serviceX?). maybe it needs more points plus injury?
any further ideas for what accomplishment a medal of honor could be awarded?

hopefully iwaN and I are not the only ones that rack their brains about this...
of course I can also only play LHX from time to time.