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Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:35 am
Today, I bought a GBA SP and Yoshi Topsy Tuvy game. Yeah, I finally got the game catridge with tilt sensor technology. :D This should be interesting tilting the portable left and right sideways to play a game. I still couldn't decide whether to buy a NDS and PSP. However, when I tried out the NDS, it was rather bulky. Over here, I can't find shops selling flash catridges. Actually once I saw before but didn't buy, now they don't have. After considering the price, paying additional $100 to get NDS or additional $70 to get Gameboy Micro, I decided to settle first for a GBA SP and wait for a more advance handheld or wait for better improvements to the existing handhelds. I was quite tempted buy the Gameboy Micro because of it's slimness but it only plays Gameboy advance games. However, just to pay extra for slimness and no backward compatibility is not worth. This is the early stage so they haven't develop any special titles to use with this handheld.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:01 am
by CPT Worm
The SP is a fine choice.

I just upgraded my GBC to the GBA SP a couple of years ago.

It's going to take a lot more for me to upgrade to a new handheld Nintendo System.
I'm still waiting for the next Gameboy. (The Nintendo DS is not a Gameboy technically.)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:17 pm
Mr. Worm wrote:The SP is a fine choice.
I agree. I just started playing a few levels of Yoshi Topsy Tuvy game and am very much satisfied with you. After previewing the game and imagining what it would be like playing on a handheld, it is exactly what I expected and am very happy. :D It would not have been the same playing it with a NDS because the NDS would be heavier and bigger and not easier to tilt.

It's really fun swinging the apples, swinging Yoshi to make him ice-skate & fly in the air "whee..", tilting a snowball till it becomes a large one. :laugh: and many more. Yoshi seems so much happier being in a loop than Sonic will ever be. ;)

Hmm, I should look out for more tilt sensor games. Wario twisted is a tilt sensor game but from the demo, the mini-games seem to move too fast so I'm not sure whether I'll like it.

Actually I was wondering whether it would be nice to be those "touch" games on the NDS. However, from the demo videos that I see on the internet, I'm not sure whether I would like them enough to persuade me to buy an NDS. Maybe there should be some place for trying it out. :P So far the shops I went to only had games such as Super Mario 64 for trying out. Those games that were not soley dependant on a stylus.
I'm still waiting for the next Gameboy. (The Nintendo DS is not a Gameboy technically.)
Technically speaking, Gameboy Micro is the next Gameboy. It has the word "Gameboy" as part of its name. :P Okay seriously speaking, the reviews say that the graphics are as good as a NDS & PSP and is smaller. However, this doesn't seem be like a next generation Gameboy with big improvement like the jump from Gameboy Colour to Gameboy Advance.

By the way, Gameboy Advance SP is supposed to be backward compatible with Gameboy Colour & the orginal Gameboy. However, when I tried to slot in my old cartridge into the Gameboy Advance, it seem that the slot is very tight and am afraid if I push it hard to go in, it must get stuck. :rolleyes: Have you ever tried slotting those old cartridges into a GBA SP? If it works, I would thinking of giving away my GBC. Then again would anyone want it. :P

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:39 pm
by Wally
The old cartridges work alright. When I had my SP that is..

PSP is much better and plays DVDs so its cool

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 11:53 am
by CPT Worm
I've played many of my old Gameboy games in my GBA. Don't worry, it'll work.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:26 pm
by GameMaster.EXE
Your right, it should and will work.

Right now before logging on I just finished playing a GBC game on my GBA SP.
(Super Mario Deluxe.)

Game Boy Micro? I hoping for something like Game Boy Advance SPX ( Longer lasting rechargable battery and backwards compatible with SNES and N64 games :D . Wow that will be twice the size of a NDS!! :laugh: )

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:08 pm
by Wally
Micro will be a waste of money...

The smaller the console. The easier it is to lose.

GO PSP and emulate

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:26 pm
by Moo
I have no idea why they released this "thumb-held", as quoted from Ign. I mean seriously, the Sp was a good idea. Now they re-did the back lighting on that, made a new handheld and made the Ds. Can you say "Nintendo is scared"? They are just repackaging essentially the same material over and over in hopes it won't lose as much money to Sony and the Psp. Tis a good time to be alive.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:18 pm
by CPT Worm
I guess they received subliminal suggestion from the iPod Mini and decided to make a small designer Game Boy.

According to reports, you should be able to download any [first-party] NES or SNES game for free....I'm wondering if Nintendo will allow the transmittion of these downloads to the DS. Because, if so, that would be enough to make me buy a DS.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:37 pm
by Wally
That would be a good thing.

It would be a smart move for nintendo

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:08 pm
JKSM wrote: Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:43 am Post subject:


I just bought a flash cartridge for Gameboy Advance and love it. One can read stories on it by converting text files to gameboy advance format or download those freeware articles converted by others. It can play audio and video files, play slideshows and emulate Sega Master System, Game Gear and Super Nintendo. Too bad the Super Nintendo emulator is not yet in the advance stage. From what I read, there are still some problems with certain games. So far, I have only tried storing readable information, it's very handy. It reminds me of others reading from their PDA.

I think it might be a wishful dream to hope there could be a new handheld as light and easy to use controls as a Gameboy Advance SP, having a touch screen & stylus function like NDS, with clear resolution and storage functionality like a PSP. It that was possible, it might be a dream come true.
*edits - deleted earlier post to add on*

Yesterday, I passed by a shop and saw the new NDS Lite and asked the shop assistant to have a look at it. It is indeed much lighter and easier to hold than the original NDS. It's indeed half a dream come true as I wanted the NDS to be lighter. If this had come out earlier, I would have bought this instead of the Gameboy Advance SP. Now I am considering whether to buy this. It is so tempting. Maybe I should hunt round for a package offer or wait till more colours come out or wait for the price to drop. The other half of the dream hasn't come true i.e. using the stylus of the NDS like a PDA for writing.

Has anyone tried out the NDS Lite yet?

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:47 am
JKSM wrote:By the way, Gameboy Advance SP is supposed to be backward compatible with Gameboy Colour & the orginal Gameboy. However, when I tried to slot in my old cartridge into the Gameboy Advance, it seem that the slot is very tight and am afraid if I push it hard to go in, it must get stuck. :rolleyes: Have you ever tried slotting those old cartridges into a GBA SP? If it works, I would thinking of giving away my GBC. Then again would anyone want it. :P
Wally*Won_Kenobie wrote:The old cartridges work alright. When I had my SP that is..
Mr. Worm wrote:I've played many of my old Gameboy games in my GBA. Don't worry, it'll work.
GameMaster.EXE wrote:Your right, it should and will work.

You all are right. What happened in the end was that I finally got the GBC cartridges to fit the GBA SP. I had been too gentle previously and after using more force than pushing a GBA cartridge, it fitted. It was a tight fit though. Someone who was still playing GBC games was having problems with his handheld so I sold him the GBC with the original manual into the box. It was as good as brand new as I only used it a few times. It was an investment I regreted as I paid US$147 so that I could play Toy Story 2. However, I found that I didn't like the GBC version and it was difficult to play. In the end, I played other GBC games but only used it a few times.

The only investment that I make full use is the NDS Lite and had many fun-filled hours with it. The lastest game to my collection is Mario Vs Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis. It is a touch screen game and a Lemmings kind of clone. However, it can never replace the fun of the the dos Lemmings games. It is a different kind of enjoyment.

The one thing that I like above the NDS Lite that no other console has is using the touch screen for playing touch screen games. There are different kinds of touch screen games and they can be excellent. There are 4 kind of games that can use the touch screen that can be made for DS:
1) Physical touch screen games in the arcade (things like photo hunt - spot the difference). These kind however been developed for NDS but there potential.
2) Physical hitting using physical hammer to hit crocodiles in the arcade or physical hitting of objects by throwing. (Game Name: Point Blank)
3) Games that use the mouse if they were placed on PC (Game Names: Meteos, Zookeeper, Metroid, Point & click adventures [tap on use, take, speak icons etc], shooting games like Goldeneye [shoot by tapping on screen], New Super Mario Brothers Mini games, Mario Vs Donkey Kong 2, Ossu Takatae Ouendon, Bust-a-move DS)
4) Touch screen specific games (ie game only having fun using touch screen and stylus. These include WarioWare Touched, Cooking Mama, Nintendogs)
5) A little of PDA kind of functions through homebrew (dictionary search, exchange rate conversion, diary).

The 4 types are fun but the best kinds would be the first and fourth kind.

The NDS microphone function is interesting through not much use. Most games use blowing into the microphone. However, Brain Training Test ask you to read colour. The voice detection may not be that accurate though. There is also a Japanese cooking cartridge that the recipie for you to cook and when you are done with the step you say okay and it goes to the next step.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:06 am
by cyb3r.god3
hey youve heard of the DS cookbook
what about the TouchDic?
and i have a lite, much better than the phat DS, the lighting is better, the screens are bigger (not by much), better clour, lighter, better stylus, just be careful not to get dust into the cover

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:16 am
by Larry Laffer
Dunno' gotta buy myself one of those dandy Hand-Held gadgets :D
But even if I do where will I get the games from???

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:13 am
by CPT Worm
There's this thing called the Internet, and it has all these magical places called websites. Some of these magical places have shops, and some of these shops sell Nintendo DSes and DS games. Typically, you can use this thing called a search engine, which it automagically detects these websites. Then, when you finds DS games, you can use a credit card or a debit card to purchase it. (Some sites even allow Paypal or checks.)
...And like out of thin air, in a few days a box will automagically appear at your house.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:18 pm
by Larry Laffer
Nope dude need a credit card or banc acount so none of these magical things called websites can help me. Also delivery in Romania takes weeks.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:34 pm
by CPT Worm
You don't have banks in Romania?

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:22 pm
by Larry Laffer
Banks we have. An account I do not. :P

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:13 pm
by CPT Worm
Then why don't you set one up?

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:16 pm
by Larry Laffer
That's a DAMN good question ;)