In memory of Michael Jackson

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Should Santhosh CHRiS be banned?

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Post by dosraider »

lakerzz8 wrote: But whatever, we'll have to agree to disagree because I'm tired of writing these long posts and reading yours.
Yep, needless and pointless discussion.

But ... tell me, why is it only Wacko Jacko who sleeps with young children, and not , let say Germaine Jackson?
They all grew up in the same nest, had (some) success, are belonging to the 'star' elite club, but yet only Wacko is most likely a pedo?
(Remark: I said 'most likely', I didn't say he is one ....)

If your statement is true, they all had to come from a long family line of abuse, but only one has (probably, once again) become an abuser.

So it still stands: cheap excuse, nothing else.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (1983) Motown 25 Live FIRST MOONWALK!!!!!

Hell YEAH!!!
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Post by lakerzz8 »

dosraider wrote:
lakerzz8 wrote: But whatever, we'll have to agree to disagree because I'm tired of writing these long posts and reading yours.
Yep, needless and pointless discussion.

But ... tell me, why is it only Wacko Jacko who sleeps with young children, and not , let say Germaine Jackson?
They all grew up in the same nest, had (some) success, are belonging to the 'star' elite club, but yet only Wacko is most likely a pedo?
(Remark: I said 'most likely', I didn't say he is one ....)

If your statement is true, they all had to come from a long family line of abuse, but only one has (probably, once again) become an abuser.

So it still stands: cheap excuse, nothing else.
Genetics and environment play a role and while they may all live in the same house each and every one of them still grew up in a slightly different environment. Just like a younger brother and an older brother living in the same house may very well be treated differently. So it is possible that Michael was treated different or he reacted differently to the abuse, etc.

However, this is all speculation.
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Post by lakerzz8 »

Dogbreath wrote:I'm quite amused watching a 17 year old California kid lecture a 55 year old who grew up in post war France on the hardships of life. Not disparaging you, lakerzz, it just struck me as funny for some reason.

I worked for a year and a half at a "children's home" (though it was mostly young teens, and run more like a JDC than a home, barbed wire fences and all) here in town that had over 80 children who had been sexually abused and specialised in SAO youth. I've been trying to avoid this discussion simply because I've talked and read so much about the subject I'm rather sick of it, and plan on doing so, but I wanted to reply to a certain thing:
Girls that get raped won't go on raping other girls. It doesn't work like that. What will probably happen is they will have sexual difficulties during relationships, have problems comitting, have anxiety when they step out on the street alone.

Guys that are abused or raped as little boys are the ones that are likely to become abusive later in their life.
While there is a marked positive correlation between being abused and being an abuser, it's NOT the same as cause and effect. There's quite a bit of discussion on the matter, but it's a very dangerous and foolish thing to say "that person was abused, so he'll likely be an abuser." It's one of the greatest myths of our society, largely fueled by people who are ignorant of both statistics and psychology.

Actually, males who have been abused are in a rather unique situation in that, if they cope with it properly, they can help guide and nurture other males recovering from abuse. Probably the worst thing you could tell a boy who's been abused is "you're likely to become an abuser" - you have no idea the amount of guilt and self-hatred already associated with being abused. In fact, this myth has been so wide spread that many males never come forward and discuss their abuse, because of the social stigma and suspicion attached to the abused.

So what's actually going on? As I said, positive correlation does not equal cause and effect. (you're a bright guy, and probably stayed awake in statistics, so you probably know this, but 95% of Americans can't seem to grasp that idea) Cause and effect are a lot harder to pin down, but some theories are:

1) The biggest one, a universal human trait (even among sociopaths) is the desire to feel justified - barring that, the desire to blame someone else. You've probably noticed certain people who constantly blame other people for their own problems - their parents, their boss, their landlord, their wife, the weather, etc. etc. etc. If you want a rather brilliant example, listen to Gee Officer Krumpke from West Side Story. It's just a desire to shirk responsibility instead of admitting fault. Possibly, most child molesters when caught blame their crime on the fact that they themselves were molested - even if it's not true.

2) Abuse may be far more prevalent in certain subcultures, religions, and societies. One of the highest (if not the highest) non-sexual physical abuser groups is alcoholics. (along with other substance abusers) Alcoholism is also at least partially genetic, so it could be substance abuse is what needs to be treated in those cases.

With sexual abuse, it's far more prominent among certain religious sects - extremist Mormon sects in particular. So religious beliefs (such as that all females exist solely for man's pleasure, for example) can be a contributing factor.

There are plenty of these.

3) Men who lack role models, and grow up feeling impotent and weak. Abuse is all about asserting power, and any man, perverted or not, who feels sexually powerless is going to try to assert that power. This is the biggest "cause" for abusers if you will, and it is men who grow up with negligent fathers/father figures, sexually abusive or not are by far the most likely to be sexually abusive.

Ironically, this would mean that by far the best way to insure abused people turn into abusers is to tell them that they're to blame for the abuse that happened (and this happens indirectly CONSTANTLY, society holds such a disdain for abused people. If you don't believe me, I'll find you 5 quotes in 5 minutes), and that they're most likely going to abuse again because of what happened. That caused them to feel ashamed and powerless - and gives them some justification for abusing too. (I can't help it! It's just the way I am!)

The best response is "yes you were abused, and there was nothing you could do about it when it happened. But now you're in control, and you have the power to deal with it. You have the power to seek help, to be vulnerable and let yourself be helped, and to reach normalcy in the fullness of time. I believe in you, and have confidence you can."

Again, this is from working with these kids and hearing about all the terrible lies people would tell them about themselves, many of those people even meaning well.

I'll shut up now.
Thanks for your post.

By the way, I'm 18 ;)
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What Made Jacko a Legend!

Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

Yahoo India posted an interesting article

What made Jacko a legend

In 1984, a U.S. library accused Jackson of owing it over one million dollars in overdue book fines. Officials said that they would scrap the fines if he returned the books autographed.

The fact that a French Jackson aficionado committed suicide in 1984 after his mother refused to allow him to undergo surgery to look like the star shows how popular he was among his fans.

To date, over 300 million copies of his records have been sold worldwide.

Three of Jackson's albums-Bad, Dangerous and Thriller-are among the bestsellers of all time. Thriller remains the biggest-selling album since records began.

Jackson was also famous for receiving a Presidential Humanitarian Award from Ronald Reagan in 1984, for his support of charities helping people overcome alcohol and drug abuse.

Jackson's Billie Jean made him the first black artist whose video to have his video broadcast on MTV.

Jackson was also known for wearing his trademark black armband to remind fans of the suffering of children around the world.

His favourite superhero was Morph from the X-Men.

He picked up his iconic moonwalk moves, which he debuted at the Motown 25th Anniversary show in 1983, from streetdancers he had spotted performing outside a hotel.

Little Richard thought that Jackson would be the right choice to play him in a biopic.

For all of them go here ... egend.html
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Re: What Made Jacko a Legend!

Post by Larry Laffer »

Santhosh CHRiS wrote:The fact that a French Jackson aficionado committed suicide in 1984 after his mother refused to allow him to undergo surgery to look like the star shows how popular he was among his fans.

Yahoo being as brilliant as ever, methinks.
Last edited by Larry Laffer on Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What Made Jacko a Legend!

Post by Dogbreath »

Larry Laffer wrote:
Santhosh CHRiS wrote:The fact that a French Jackson aficionado committed suicide in 1984 after his mother refused to allow him to undergo surgery to look like the star shows how popular he was among his fans.

Yahoo being as brilliant as ever, methinks
That has to be the worst indication of popularity ever.
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Re: What Made Jacko a Legend!

Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

Dogbreath wrote:
Larry Laffer wrote:
Santhosh CHRiS wrote:The fact that a French Jackson aficionado committed suicide in 1984 after his mother refused to allow him to undergo surgery to look like the star shows how popular he was among his fans.

Yahoo being as brilliant as ever, methinks
That has to be the worst indication of popularity ever.
Lol. I know. Yahoo is crazy sometimes. The overdue library books really cracked me up through. He owed the library over 1 million dollars in fine and all he had to do was return them with his signature on it and they'd cancel the fine :laugh:

Btw I heard the Michael Jackson funeral will be held on Friday or something. Really wish I could attend it but the ticket is a bit too steep. I've always wanted to see him perform in a concert when he was alive :(
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Re: What Made Jacko a Legend!

Post by Larry Laffer »

Santhosh CHRiS wrote:
Dogbreath wrote:
Larry Laffer wrote:
Yahoo being as brilliant as ever, methinks
That has to be the worst indication of popularity ever.
Lol. I know. Yahoo is crazy sometimes. The overdue library books really cracked me up through. He owed the library over 1 million dollars in fine and all he had to do was return them with his signature on it and they'd cancel the fine :laugh:
And you actually think that really happened? :blah:

Google never heard about it, and Michael Jackson doesn't strike me as the avid reader.

Also, regarding his funeral: It'd be bloody funny if this was a setup so he could pop out of his coffin, say "Thriller" at which point everybody starts dancing. :laugh:
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Re: What Made Jacko a Legend!

Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

Larry Laffer wrote:
Santhosh CHRiS wrote:
Dogbreath wrote: That has to be the worst indication of popularity ever.
Lol. I know. Yahoo is crazy sometimes. The overdue library books really cracked me up through. He owed the library over 1 million dollars in fine and all he had to do was return them with his signature on it and they'd cancel the fine :laugh:
And you actually think that really happened? :blah:

Google never heard about it, and Michael Jackson doesn't strike me as the avid reader.

Also, regarding his funeral: It'd be bloody funny if this was a setup so he could pop out of his coffin, say "Thriller" at which point everybody starts dancing. :laugh:
Yahoo kicks Google's butt anytime! I hate Google. Ooh look at me I've got 1 tiny blank page with a search engine... OOH! I'm gonna own the entire web now buy out everyone else like Youtube and copy whatever Yahoo is doing and add some crap to make people think theirs is better and original. Ooh we own more shares than Microsoft now. Let's block every OTHER search engine out there or shut them down!! :angry:

And yes it would be cool if Michael did that. Infact there are already many speculations that Michael faked his death to avoid debts he owed and pop back when things clear up a bit.

You can read more about it here ... own-death/

It would at least stop a lot of hardcore Michael fans who suicide every day now because of his death :(
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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

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Post by Larry Laffer »

" This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions. "

Well, poo on that!
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

Larry Laffer wrote:" This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions. "

Well, poo on that!
That's weird. So in India there must be no copyright restrictions at all. We can pirate all we want lol :P

Anyhoo it was "Music and Me" song by Michael Jackson with a very touching video from the movie "Moonwalker"
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Post by carbontwelve »

Santhosh CHRiS wrote:
Larry Laffer wrote:" This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions. "

Well, poo on that!
That's weird. So in India there must be no copyright restrictions at all. We can pirate all we want lol :P

Anyhoo it was "Music and Me" song by Michael Jackson with a very touching video from the movie "Moonwalker"
honestly your not far wrong so far as copyright restrictions go ;) they have them they just dont enforce them - courts are way too overbooked as it is with more important things was the excuse I was given when researching.
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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

carbontwelve wrote:
Santhosh CHRiS wrote:
Larry Laffer wrote:" This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions. "

Well, poo on that!
That's weird. So in India there must be no copyright restrictions at all. We can pirate all we want lol :P

Anyhoo it was "Music and Me" song by Michael Jackson with a very touching video from the movie "Moonwalker"
honestly your not far wrong so far as copyright restrictions go ;) they have them they just dont enforce them - courts are way too overbooked as it is with more important things was the excuse I was given when researching.
Michael died a poor man in debt of over 400 million dollars because of poor piracy laws here :laugh:
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Post by dosraider »

I've heard that they will recycle the 97.26% of 'plastic' Wacko Jacko into Lego blocks.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

dosraider wrote:I've heard that they will recycle the 97.26% of 'plastic' Wacko Jacko into Lego blocks.

(ahem) Ok totally ignoring that previous statement... Michael Jackson's funeral will be held on June 7th it seems at Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Also here is a candid photograph of Michael during his last days at the age of 50.


He looks too thin, weak and frail to even walk let alone perform 50 concerts! It was madness and the very rehearsals killed him in the end :(
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Post by dosraider »

Before and after he became Wacko Jacko.
Search the 12346123454874545234156421 differences.

wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by Wally »

yeah wayyy too thin for his age...
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Post by Dogbreath »

Santhosh CHRiS wrote: Image

He looks too thin, weak and frail to even walk let alone perform 50 concerts! It was madness and the very rehearsals killed him in the end :(
still enough money to afford a $100,000/month house but not quite enough to buy food. :(
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