Puzzle/hidden object game

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Puzzle/hidden object game

Post by D1st0rt1On »

The game was a puzzle/hidden object/point and click/"find an object and use it somewhere" game on Windows, where the general plot was that a mother and her daughter/son (most probably daughter) go on a voyage to find their father (who either got lost or captured by someone/something). One of the first levels included a "level" (I put *level* in quotation marks because as far as I can remember, the levels were joined or connected to each other and you could you had to go back a level or two sometimes to use an object you found) had you find/build an oar and fix up a broken boat so you can start your journey. A future level had you face an alligator which stopped you from progressing forward and you had to find and feed it a piece of meat in order to get rid of it. Another level had you end up in a desert where you had to give a lizard some water so that it backed off into its hiding place. Then there was one set in somewhere near the desert in ruins and you had to fix a mosque/temple/some similar building. The levels sometimes included minigames. One minigame I remember near the beginning of the game involved making a path with lily leaves and frogs. Another level had you meet a wizard who had a treehouse. That "world" also had you fix a red-yellow coloured hot air balloon which had holes that you had to fix by finding wool and stuff like that. You had to find something like a wheel so you could fix a sewing machine and join pieces of cloth in order to patch up the balloon. The game had an art style very much like the Dream Chronicle games and to and example of the type of "find a hidden item and use it later" gameplay was similar to that of Twisted Lands. However the game was NOT A HORROR, but instead involved things like magic and stuff. One more level I remember had you meet some village tribes and there was a minigame where you had to paint a tribal mask. As far as I can remember, the game was released sometime between 2000 and 2010, most probably near the 03s and 04s though I'm not sure.
EDIT: The main menu as far as I can remember, had a river with a fallen tree, the mother and the daughter was standing near their house on one side of screen, and there was (probably) the hot air balloon and the boat also on the screen.
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