Error! Please read this carefully to download your game!!!

Why this happened: This site uses a download protection script to prevent people from linking to our files. Unfortuantely this can cause download problems for a small percentage of visitors. If you are trying to download this file from, here's some things to try:

How to fix this: One of these may fix this problem:
  1. Don't right click and "Save As...". Just left click on the download link.
  2. Turn off any download managers like GetRight, FlashGet or Download Accelerator.
  3. Temporarily disable internet firewall software, especially Norton Security Suite. (These often unnecessarily block the "referrer" attribute in web browsers which causes download problems.)
  4. If you are using a non-standard browser (such as the AOL web browser or Lynx) please try using Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox or Opera instead.
Please hit your BACK button and try the suggestions above. Thank you for your patience!

If none of those work, let me know (and please list your operating system, web browser, and any internet utilities you're running) and I'll be glad to send you the game(s) via email attachment, or I can try to find another location where you can download the game. Thanks, bye!

Darren, webmaster