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2D side scroller - 2000+ to 2004 windows xp

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:08 am
by Isengardium
I remeber of an awesome game with some kind of mice or hedgehog (not Sonic). He was very small, compared to the window size. The adventure began in autumn (you would pass through all 4 seasons, with different mobs). I'm quite sure that you couldn't kill the enemies you would encounter, the only thing you had was an umbrella and the possibility to create a clone of yourself, more like you would leave behind you a hologram of your character by pressing 'W' and you would become transparent. You could save your progress through checkpoints (beam of light - half the size of the character - that would come from the ground, by pressing down arrow when above it to save your progress). The umbrella could be activated upon falling, and you could change direction with the arrow buttons. One of the mobs I can recall was some sort of ghost, though it couldn't hurt you, just wandering arround (only in certain area, with cemetery theme). Spikes that activate when you were close to them were quite often. At the beginning of the game they would give you the instructions for the cloning ability and how to open the umbrella. You had also a cretive mode, where you could edit the game already made or even make your own game. Hope that anyone can help me, because I really want to play this game again. All I can think is this game...

[Edit] And when you died, the character would wanish (like magicians who appear in a cloud of smoke)