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Your favorite food and drinks? And your un-favorites?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:02 pm
by KAN
Well, here's mine:

I just love the taste of soft, raw meat, be it red meat of white meat. Thus, my favorite 'big three' are raw oysters, sushi, and steak tartare. I always want my steak rare, and when eating at yakiniku/shabu-shabu restaurant, I often horrify my friends by sampling the meat raw. Just. Can't. Resist.

I also love tutut, which is the Sundanese (Western Javanese) version of escargot. Too bad they're getting rare.

When it goes to vegetables, I always love seupan; it is an assortment of steamed vegetables, which is also a traditional Sundanese dish. Since I have chronic stomach ulcer, I find the soft, steamed vegetables agreeable with my digestive system.

In general, I'm not very picky with my food. I still don't like fried foods too much, but with one exception: tamusu; a Sundanese food made of fried beef intestines. Yes, it is artery-clogging, but it is one of my guilty pleasures.

I'm not a wine afficionado, but I always prefer white wine than red. Probably because I prefer white meat to read meat as well. And while I'm no longer a heavy drinker, vodka martini is still my most favorite drink. For mellowing out, nothing beats the combination of vodka martini, menthol cigarette, and soft trip-hop music like this. The best vodka for the purpose is Stolichnaya IMO.

The drink I just cannot stand, believe it or not, is soft drink, probably because I have chronic stomach ulcer. I I just can't stand cola, it fucking hurts. I don't really like lemonade either, so it's always either alcoholic beverages or plain water, and since I've been reducing my drinking, it's water most of the time. Oddly enough, I still love coffee despite it hurts my stomach as well.

Oh, and there's one thing I really, really hate: whisky cola. No offense for those who love such combo, but it just tastes horrible to me.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:15 am
by dosraider
Friet met stovers, very unhealthy and thus my favorite food.
Self made cigarettes, cigars and beer, nothing cocktail related,

No fish or sea related stuff for me. I HATE fish. And no Coke.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:00 pm
by Eminutia
I grew up in a house where gourmet food was served every night, my mother makes the best food in the world and I keep telling her to start a restaurant, but she's a bookkeeper and loves her job, and plus I don't think she thinks she can do it, because she's SO busy. (sarcasm)

My idea's of food are based upon that for the rest of my life, so I have really high standards. I can't even eat other people's food. If I know who's preparing the food, and it's NOT my mother, I probably will struggle eating it. I know it's crazy, but if you tasted her risotto and fish with vegetables, it would be scary. Its like nothing you've ever tasted.

Taco Bell is my favourite food otherwise. And pizza. :)
[URL=http://]link snipped[/URL]

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:45 pm
by Gamer_V
After that story, ending with a fast-food restaurant makes your post kind of weird.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:22 pm
by Dogbreath
Favourite would probably be a spinach Alfredo recipe I make. I invented one day after picking out ingredients that looked like they'd taste good together at the store, and have since perfected over the past few years.

I really like any hearty pasta with sauce and meat, don't like vinegar or oil in anything except salad, though, so "Olive Garden style" Italian food isn't really to my tastes. I'm kind of weird in that I usually prefer food I make myself to anyone elses - just because I usually know exactly what my taste buds need, and food made by other people tastes "off."

Drinking, I like beer a lot. Blue Moon is what I get for my "grocery store variety", but I like the IPA made by the Broadripple Brewery, and anything made by 3 Floyds is good too. Really like Chocolate Stout of any variety.

LOVE red wine. Don't know anything about it, just think it tastes amazing, and would drink it all the time if it wasn't expensive.

Don't like: fried foods. Just never goes down right. makes me feel weird after.


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:45 pm
by Santhosh CHRiS
Hmmmm.... my favorite food is Biryani, Tandoori Chicken, Chicken Curry, Dosai, fried Potatoes, fish fingers curd rice, Pepperoni Pizza, egg noodles, hamburger, french fries, tacos, burritoes, strawberry ice cream, black forest, choclate excess cake, lays chips, and Indian sweets!

My favorite choclates and candy would be FERRERO ROCHER , Snicker bars, M&M's, Fruitella, cotton candy, Cadbury stuff etc.

Favorite drinks... Tropicana Orange, Apple, Grape, etc. Used to be crazy about Pepsi and guzzle it down by the gallon but now don't drink that much. I also like Cold coffee, and Iced Tea. I also love Chinese tea

I don't drink or like alcoholic drinks AT ALL. My work friends dragged me to a bar and forced me to drink beer once and I felt like spitting it out (YUCK!!) I have drunk wine once out of sheer curiosity when I was younger and it tasted like puked up medicine. Another reason I don't drink cuz it causes all sorts of problems afterwards. The ones that drank usually dropped out of college or wasted all their money on them.

2 kids from my college drunk way too much beer and rum, drove a bike straight into a tree and died. Man that just killed even the slightest desire in me to drink anything even remotely alcoholic really and I think most of my friends quit after that incident as well :(

LOVE the occasional junk food like KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, etc. but eating it on a regular basis makes me nauseous (ugh) Subway is pretty good even on a regular basis.

I like almost all fruits except jackfruits. Ugh... HATE that stuff for some reason, and LOVE my veggies.... heh heh...

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:20 pm
by Dogbreath
Steve, does India traditionally have a lot of alcohol consumption?

I'm just wondering, because I know cultures that traditionally don't consume alcohol, when introduced, are typically hurt pretty badly by it. See alcoholism among Native Americans for example.

Whereas in European cultures (and I include N. and S. America), drinking of beer and wine is so incredibly prevalent it's hard to find people who don't do it.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:26 pm
by CPT Worm
I love all types of food, but I really prefer food I cook myself. It always tastes better when you cook it.

I love chicken. You can essentially do anything to it, and I will eat it. Baked, grilled, fried, boiled, on sandwiches, in rice, in curry sauce, in teriyaki sauce.
I also enjoy most any vegetable common in American supermarkets.

It might be easier to say what I don't like: cheese, eggs, fish, and milk. I'll eat things with eggs and milk in them, like cakes or cereal or whatever, but I will not eat eggs and I will not drink milk.

As far as drinks are concerned, I used to drink tons and tons of Coke. Now I drink a lot of diet soda and Gatorade. Diet Pepsi Max, Diet Root Beer, Diet Mountain Dew, Diet Orange, and Diet Grape (but I can only find that back home at a regional store called Meijer). I also enjoy iced tea.

Coffee....oh man. That stuff is good. And orange pekoe and roasted green tea are pretty tasty. I hate Earl Grey and Darjeeling.

I enjoy my beer as well. This will probably upset dosraider, but I mostly enjoy American style lagers. I like to be able to drink my beers and not gag on them. Now, that said, I do not like Budweiser that much, but I will drink it if it's on tap. I love Yuengling, and if you're ever on the East Coast, I'd recommend it.

With mixed drinks, I enjoy rum and tequila as a base, vodka in a pinch. I refuse to drink herbal liquors (ie Jagermeister and absinthe) and all types of whisk(e)ys. I like red wine over white. My favorite is the Malbec style; it's from Argentina.
Santhosh CHRiS wrote: I don't drink or like alcoholic drinks AT ALL. My work friends dragged me to a bar and forced me to drink beer once and I felt like spitting it out (YUCK!!) I have drunk wine once out of sheer curiosity when I was younger and it tasted like puked up medicine. Another reason I don't drink cuz it causes all sorts of problems afterwards. The ones that drank usually dropped out of college or wasted all their money on them.

2 kids from my college drunk way too much beer and rum, drove a bike straight into a tree and died. Man that just killed even the slightest desire in me to drink anything even remotely alcoholic really and I think most of my friends quit after that incident as well :(
This is when you drink in moderation; Know when to stop. It's people like this who ruin all my good times.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:05 am
by dosraider
Santhosh CHRiS wrote:2 kids from my college drunk way too much beer and rum, drove a bike straight into a tree and died. Man that just killed even the slightest desire in me to drink anything even remotely alcoholic really and I think most of my friends quit after that incident as well :(
Don't drink-drive?
Santa Worm wrote:...I enjoy my beer as well. This will probably upset dosraider, but I mostly enjoy American style lagers.
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhh teh horror!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:54 am
by AdamN
My favorite cuisine is Thai, but I also like Chinese cuisine as well.

I prefer drinking soft drink (preferably Pepsi, but will drink Coke if Pepsi is not available)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:07 am
by KAN
Wormpy wrote:This is when you drink in moderation; Know when to stop. It's people like this who ruin all my good times.
As a former heavy drinker and borderline alcoholic, I believe it's better to not touching alcohol at all. I started as moderate drinker, y'know. ;)

Although well, yes, there are indeed people who can drink moderately without falling into the hole where I was.

dosraider wrote:
Santa Worm wrote:...I enjoy my beer as well. This will probably upset dosraider, but I mostly enjoy American style lagers.
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhh teh horror!
I have to concur, American beer tastes like soft drink. :(

Netherlands beer, on the other hand.... :)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:49 am
by dosraider
KAN wrote:I have to concur, American beer tastes like soft drink. :(

Netherlands beer, on the other hand.... :)
Belgian beer. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:04 am
by KAN
dosraider wrote:No no no no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Belgian beer. :D
I stand corrected. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:18 am
by Dogbreath
dosraider wrote: No no no no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Belgian beer. :D
Well, as I said, my favourite "store bought" cheap beer is Blue Moon, which is styled a Belgian Wheat Ale. I've also had some real Belgian beer (though it's all been pasteurised because of the length of shipping) and have always liked it, though I suppose it's not as good as the stuff you actually have in Belgium. (One day I'll go there and spend a couple weeks drinking)

Major American breweries are pretty bad, but there's a large microbrewery movement around here with lots of local beers that are quite good.

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:12 am
by dosraider
KAN wrote:I stand corrected. :D
If you still stand you didn't had enough beer my friend.

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:10 pm
by CPT Worm
I have enjoyed, on occasion, a nice glass of Delirium Nocturum.
But only occasionally, since it's really expensive.

The problem I have with many European beers are that they are way too heavy and bitter. I drink beverages to be refreshed, not to have an awful hoppy flavor in my mouth.

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:12 pm
by KAN
dosraider wrote:
KAN wrote:I stand corrected. :D
If you still stand you didn't had enough beer my friend.
Actually, I lie down on the floor, corrected. Hics! :laugh:

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:37 am
by dosraider
If you don't fall off the floor you need more beers.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:17 pm
by cyb3r.god3
hmmm. favourite Beer.... Coopers Green. Its the kind of beer that you open on a hot day after a long day of work\school and relax while listening to CCR. or drink it normally its a pretty good beer. as for food... i found the magnificent combination of 2 italian foods... Spaghetti Pizza :D

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:25 pm
by CPT Worm
I'm right now enjoying a Baltika #2. It's a Russian lager, and I'd just like to say that it's surprisingly good.